Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Celebration 2011 Induction Registration

Just click here to go to the registration form.

The registration information for the induction of Ardis and Robert James into The Quilters Hall of Fame is now available! 

Read a short bio by clicking here.

The heart of Indiana quilt history 
is right here in Marion, Indiana!

It's that time of year to think about heading to Marion Indiana to help us celebrate quilt history once more! 

The dates are Thursday-Saturday, 
July 14-16, 2011.

 The TQHF Celebration Planning Committee has once again put together a great variety of workshops and lectures that cover both quilt history and the how-tos of quilt making. 

If you have never seen the Marie Webster House, you are in for a treat. 

Here 2003 Honoree Georgia Bonesteel leads a walk-thru of The Alliance for American Quilts exhibit
"Put A Roof Over Our Heads" at Celebration 2007. These small quilts were later auctioned by the Alliance
on the Internet to raise funds for The Alliance.

Please come join us for three jam-packed days of fascinating history and beautiful quilts!

Gwen Marston had the honor of leading the exhibit walk-thru of the 2007 Honoree Mary Schafer Quitl Exhibit.
(TQHF founder Hazel Carter in blue. Gwen Marston in green.)

And don't forget the Annual TQHF Auction that takes place during Celebration! A favorite with the crowd, the TQHF Auction is a great place to meet up with friends for a little friendly competion while you help support a great cause!

The TQHF Auction is not to be missed! From antique quilts to art quilts, we have great variety each year. 

In 2007 we were gifted with a number of art quilts. Several were made by Mary Jo Bowers of Chicago, which you see hanging behind Georgia Bonesteel and Hazel Carter. 

All the items in this photo EXCEPT the one Hazel Carter is holding were in the 2007 TQHF auction.
Please consider making a donation of antique quilt pieces or an antique quilt, a wall hanging you have made, quilt ephemera you have found at a flea market or other related quilt items to this years auction!

Check back here soon for more instructions on where to send your Auction donation and when!

And thank you for support The Quilters Hall of Fame!