Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Eleanor Burns Block Challenge Entries

The salute to our 2012 Inductee Eleanor Burns continues. Each block entered in the contest has been inspired by one of Eleanor Burns patterns.

Here are the latest entries. If you don't see the label following a block, we'll add names next week, plus more photos next week:

Grape Juice 
by Adelia Houghland


All Day All Nigh
by Dale Drake

Orion's  Star Cubed 
by Ingrid Wirebjer

Eleanor's Star 
by Jo Savino

by Jocelyn Smith of Indiana

by Joyce Hostettler of Indiana

Day and Night 
by Kathy Boxell

Flowering Flying Geese 
by Kathy Boxell of Indiana

A Peony for Eleanor
 by Linda Simms

A quilt in a day---and into the night  
by Lisa Cart

by Marguerite Cox of Indiana

Summer Bouquet 
by Marianne Cunningham

Patriotic Star 
by by Neva Grant

Mexican Star 
by Nora Dean

Tales of First Ladies
 by Teresa Varnes & Amie Potter