The following article written by Karen Alexander was first published in the Spring1999 edition of The Quilters Hall of Fame newsletter as a special committee prepared about one-fourth of Cuesta Benberry's enormous quilt block collection for exhibition. Benberry was interviewed for this article by phone in February 1999.
Cuesta Benberry being interviewed for news article
in the Marion, Indiana newspaper, July 1999
Click on the article to enlarge to easier reading.
What would our quilt museums do without Volunteers! What would any community do without volunteers! Volunteers are the backbone of the American system of "giving back and passing it on".
The Quilters Hall of Fame would surely not exist today were it not for all the faithful volunteers, especially all those in Marion, Indiana. The quilters of Indiana and the residents of Marion, Indiana have faithfully given of time and talent since Founder Hazel Carter separated QHF from The Continental Congress in Arlington, Virginia, created a separate entity called The Quilters Hall of Fame, and moved it to Indiana in 1992. Click here to read that whole story.
Today the bulk of the Benberry Collection -- her quilts and her ephemera -- is housed at Michigan State University Museum. You can read that story by clicking here or watch a video by clicking here.
Thank you, Sue, for visiting the TQHF blog! Glad you enjoyed my post. I do hope you will take the time to visit the museum!